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Scale Lab

  • Classification:Scale Lab
  • Views:4860次
  • Release Date:2022/9/5 13:31:41
  • summary
Scale Lab
This laboratory is a professional technical department under the professional technical department under the measurement and calibration business division of Lai Measuring. The weighing instrument laboratory belongs to the mechanical laboratory and is mainly engaged in the measurement and testing business of weighing instruments. The laboratory has a series of high-precision measuring standard equipment such as E1 and E2 grade non-magnetic stainless steel standard weights, and its technical capacity has reached a high level in China.
Featured projects
weighing apparatus
It can carry out the metrological calibration and testing of F1 and below standard weights, Newton weights, various special weights, electronic balances, mechanical balances, frame pan balances, liquid relative density balances, precision torque balances, tray type torque balances, drying method moisture meters, non-standard sample mass, volume/density.

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address:Building 5, New Technology Industrial Park, No. 98 Hengshan Road, High tech Development Zone, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China

Postal code:215011



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