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Dimension measuring center

  • Classification:Dimension measuring center
  • Views:4816次
  • Release Date:2022/9/23 15:31:02
  • summary
The dimension measurement center belongs to the length laboratory, which is a professional technical department under the measurement and calibration business division of Lai measuring. The department is mainly oriented to the field of mechanical manufacturing and precision measurement, and provides measurement and testing services for the majority of manufacturing enterprises and institutions, scientific research and testing institutions, etc. The CNAS calibration certificate/test report issued by the department can be mutually recognized in more than 100 countries and regions around the world, and can also be used as the technical basis for value traceability supervision, system review and approval, and technical achievement identification.
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National Service Hotline:400-180-1190

address:Building 5, New Technology Industrial Park, No. 98 Hengshan Road, High tech Development Zone, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China

Postal code:215011



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