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High voltage laboratory

  • Classification:High voltage laboratory
  • Views:4826次
  • Release Date:2022/9/5 11:48:54
  • summary
High voltage laboratory
The high-voltage laboratory belongs to the electrical laboratory. The electrical laboratory is a professional technical department under the Measurement and Calibration Business Division of LETRI, mainly for high-voltage detection and calibration of high-voltage safety supporting equipment and devices.
High voltage test standard instruments include: PSNYZ-C insulating boots and gloves withstand voltage test device; ZGSF-A/D-300 AC/DC digital kilovolt meter; ZGS-ZGW-0.05% intelligent high stability DC high-voltage generator, etc.
(1) PSNYZ-C insulating boots and gloves withstand voltage test device
The device is designed according to the requirements of Preventive Test Procedures for Electric Power Safety Tools issued by the power company. The output voltage up to 50kV can be used for multiple purposes in one machine. It provides professional withstand voltage test detection for insulating boots, insulating gloves, insulating rods, insulating rubber pads, and electroscope. It is the most ideal product for providing withstand voltage test for power safety tools.
(2) ZGSF-A/D-300 AC/DC digital kilovolt meter
The device can provide the measurement of AC and DC high voltage up to 300kV, and can directly read the measured DC high voltage, AC high voltage effective value, peak value and amplitude. It is easy to operate and has high measurement accuracy.
(3) ZGS-ZGW-0.05% Intelligent High Stability DC High Voltage Generator
The device has the functions of automatic boosting and timing, and can output 50kV DC high voltage with high output accuracy. It is especially suitable for measurement and transmission departments at all levels, provincial electric power research institutes (pilot plants), major zinc oxide arrester plants, and voltage divider manufacturers to establish 0.1% high-voltage DC standards as a high stability test power supply.
Featured projects
(1) Test items: power frequency withstand voltage test of electrical safety tools such as insulating boots, insulating gloves, insulating rods, insulating rubber mats, etc; In addition, according to customer needs, we can plan testing programs, implement testing activities, and provide technical basis and support for equipment based on test results.
(2) Calibration items: electrostatic voltmeter, non-contact electrostatic voltmeter, high-voltage withstand voltage tester, high-voltage test bench, etc.

Next:Physical and chemical laboratory

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